
Monday, November 1, 2010

I wish I had a Photo For...

The Sweetest Thing...
This weekend just past Master 10 Found some dragon fly wings out in the garden. He ever so carefully transported them inside gently cupping them in his hand so they would not blow away in the breeze, and rumaged through the draw with one hand looking for an envelope to put them in. I, of course, thought the worst and wondered if he was either hurt and looking for a band aide OR that he was up to mischeif OR both! "What are you doing?" I grumbled. "I'm looking for an envelope" was his reply. "What? why? You are supposed to be outside enjoying the sunshine"
"I found these" holding out his ouside hands there they were a delicate pair of dragonfly wings in his typical little boys hands. "I'm going to keep them for Sienna, and give them to her. I'm going to tell her they are fairy wings!" My heart just melted, Awwwww what a lovely idea. I felt really bad then for grumbling and getting anoyed. And Sienna well she still beleives in Fairies and thinks they are the most special present ever! My lovely little man, I hope he stays this thoughtful throughout his life.


Anonymous said...

What a thoughtful little boy! I hope Sienna loved the 'fairy wings'. Those are moments to be treasured!

--- said...

She did Dre, and she STILL has them!